Hair transplants in Turkey
The Full Guide to Hair Transplant in Turkey Istanbul
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are removed from the "donor site" on one region of the body and placed on the "receiver site," a bald or balding area. Male pattern baldness is the main condition that this method is used to address. But it can also be used for women suffering for hair loss and alopecia as well.

Table of contents:
-How is a hair transplant in Turkey done?
-What makes me a good candidate for a hair transplant in Turkey?
-What are some risks that can come from hair transplants?
-What are the many types of hair transplant techniques and methods?
-Hair transplantation without shaving
-How much does a hair transplant in Turkey cost?

What is a hair transplant?
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are removed from the "donor site" on one region of the body and placed on the "receiver site," a bald or balding area. Male pattern baldness is the main condition that this method is used to address.
But it can also be used for women suffering for hair loss and alopecia as well.Thanks to one significant development, results today can look natural.
The majority of surgeons now transplant a handful of the healthy hairs at a time. Patients no longer experience the unnatural doll-like hair that was prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s. Back ago, thinning areas were covered with chunks of hair known as hair plugs.
The hair plugs eventually were very obvious.Enhancements to the hairline and placement of the hairs in the thinning areas also aid in producing outcomes that look more natural.Because of these developments, the results sometimes appear so natural that a barber or stylist would not know you had any work done.
How is a hair transplant in Turkey done?
The procedure is often performed in the doctor's office. The surgeon will first clean your scalp and provide anesthesia to numb the back of your skull. In order to perform the transplant, your doctor will either use follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).
A 6- to 10-inch piece of skin from the back of your skull is removed by the surgeon during FUT. The scalp was closed by sewing, and it was laid aside. The hair around it rapidly conceals this spot.
The surgical team then separates the strip of scalp that was removed into 500 to 2,000 microscopic grafts, each containing one or a few hairs. The quantity and type of grafts you receive are determined by your hair's type, quality, and color as well as the size of the area being transplanted.
The surgical staff will shave the back of your scalp if you are having FUE done. Then the physician will remove each hair follicle from that location individually. Your natural hair will hide the little specks of healing skin.
After then, both processes are identical. The surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will grow, makes holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and carefully inserts each transplant into one of the holes when they have been prepared. To plant the grafts, they'll probably have assistance from other team members as well.
The procedure will take between 4 and 8 hours, depending on the size of the transplant you are having. If you keep losing hair or decide you want thicker hair in the future, you might require another operation.
This way is the most common way of a doing a hair transplant, but there are many different ways for a hair transplant to be done, especially when you consider the wide variety of types and methods that hair transplantation can be done.
What makes me a good candidate for a hair transplant in Turkey?
In general, our hair restoration treatments are not constrained by age or sexuality. Over 70-year-old patients have undergone successful surgeries. Male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness in people in their 30s can be successfully treated. However, they should be treated cautiously because even younger people may be candidates. Women with particular hair loss tendencies can also be eligible.
The best candidates for hair restoration surgery have healthy hair on the back and sides of the head, which are the locations from which grafts are obtained. In order to conceal the early stages of the restoration, it is frequently preferable to begin when you are not fully bald.
What are some risks that can come from hair transplants?
The most common risks are the same ones that would arise from a any surgical procedure. These include infections, bleeding and scarring.
The chances of these possible side effects occurring can be lowered depending on the type of hair transplantation method you choose to get. As some types of hair transplant methods completely eliminate any possible risks from ever occurring.
Although you shouldn’t worry in any circumstance or way, as our medical team and doctors are all extremely skilled and professional doctors who have many years of experience under their belt. They will make sure that you are completely safe and protected against any ailments and risks that could occur.
What are the many types of hair transplant techniques and methods?
FUT Hair Transplantation.

what is FUT hair transplant?
FUT is a well-known and widely used surgical procedure for hair restoration. It entails a procedure where a thin strip of healthy hair-bearing skin is extracted and transplanted to an area of hair loss (a "non-permanent area") from a "permanent" part of the scalp (where hair is genetically designed to continue growing for life). This method can result in incredibly successful outcomes.
How is a FUT hair transplant done?
You will receive a local anesthetic prior to the surgery, making the FUT hair transplant procedure a completely painless and comfortable experience.
During the surgery, a strip of skin with healthy hair will be extracted from the donor location, which is often the back of the head and is an anesthetized portion of your scalp.
The surgical team's team of professionals can then carefully pick out individual hair follicle units as they naturally occur by placing this strip under a specially developed high-powered microscope (in collections of 1 to 4 hairs).
When the doctors are prepared to transplant the grafts onto the recipient location, the grafts are then placed in a refrigerated solution of Hypothermasol and ATP for storage.
The donor area of your scalp will be sewn closed in the interim, and is typically hidden by neighboring donor hair, so the incision won't be noticeable.
After about 10 to 14 days, the stitches will be taken out, and the donor area will be allowed to recover with a faint scar. This is typically hidden by longer hairstyles.
FUT can take between 4 and 12 hours, depending on the size of the area to be treated and the quantity of grafts that must be transplanted.
How do I know I’m a candidate for FUT hair transplantation in Turkey?
To know which style of hair transplantation are you suitable for, our doctors will have to a give you a consultation. Review your medical record and examine the area that you want to be treated along with the areas that would become donor areas.
What are the benefits of FUT hair transplant in Turkey?
-Low recovery time
A FUT operation has a relatively manageable recovery period, which typically lasts 10 to 12 days. Due to possible swelling where the scalp strip was removed, some patients have reported more discomfort after FUT compared to other treatments. In such cases, painkillers are recommended.
-Higher Rate Of Follice Survival
The mid donor zone, where the majority of the hair is permanent, is where hair is collected during FUT. Patients with less hair in the donor area are frequently advised to undergo FUT surgery because of this. FUT skillfully harvests follicles while leaving the protective tissue intact, resulting in grafts that are strong and of greater quality.
-Results That appear Natural
You will have a very small, linear scar following the treatment that is no larger than 1mm in diameter. Because of how easily the surrounding hair may be used to disguise it, it is essentially unnoticeable.
-A patient's hair is transplanted in tiny, naturally occurring clusters of 1–4 hairs during a FUT hair transplant. This enables you to experience fuller, more natural-looking hair without drawing attention to your hair transplant.
With more sessions, there is no additional scarring.
-No matter how many surgeries a patient has, there is just one scar that remains. The FUE process, in contrast, leaves a tiny, circular scar after each plucked follicular unit.
What are the risks of FUT hair transplant procedures?
As with any procedures that involve surgery. Even a minor one like FUT. They will have the same risks of infection and bleeding. But those two risks are easily avoidable due to the guaranteed skill and professionalism of our surgeons and doctors. So there is no need to worry about these risks.
FUE Hair Transplantation

what is a FUE hair transplant?
Grafts are harvested using the FUE technique, which is employed in FUE hair transplants. It is the most significant technical development in hair restoration surgery to date.
A significant number of hair follicles are harvested during a FUE hair transplant in a single day, resulting in excellent regrowth and patient tolerance with minimal scarring.
Each individual follicular unit is removed from the scalp during a FUE hair transplant. Your doctor can collect hair from the donor region with less obvious thinning of the area since the hair follicles are plucked in a random pattern. Hair is extracted via Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) through minute circular incisions made on the scalp.
Instead of using a strip of scalp-extracted donor tissue, each individual follicular unit (FU) is taken straight from the scalp.
Follicular units are still removed one at a time during FUE hair transplants just as they were when they were first carried out manually with hand-held punches of various varieties.
In general, FUE hair transplant is an option for each patient who qualifies for hair restoration surgery. A patient may be an unsuitable candidate for a strip harvest but still be a good candidate for FUE.
How is a FUE hair transplant performed?
Additionally, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) removes individual grafts (follicular units) from the patient's head's sides and back. Depending on the patient's preferences, we can either shave the entire head or just a few little "micro-strips" for the best disguise. However, shaving is required since the hair needs to be short to be removed effectively.
The doctor will typically harvests 1500–1800 grafts on average per session. If you shaved your head following FUE, you might be able to detect a few tiny white dots dispersed around the area where your hair was taken. The scars are small—typically less than 1mm in diameter. The excision areas gradually lose their visibility and become exceedingly challenging to see with the unaided eye.
A whole day is required for FUE transplants as well (8–10 hours), during which the patient must spend a significant amount of time lying face down and on their side while the grafts are being extracted. While there are no stitches and recovery takes around 3-5 days, you do have a number of tiny scabs all over your head that can be hidden by hair (or just open if the patient can shave their whole head to start with.)
Compared to linear strip harvesting, healing is quicker and discomfort is lower. The average number of grafts a surgeon may get using this approach is 500–1000. The majority of hair surgeons concur that strip harvesting is typically a more effective choice for treating severe hair loss and that this approach is typically ideal for people with mild hair loss.
Benefits of FUE hair transplant
-Little to no scarring
FUE does not use stitches or linear scarring, which are more likely to be noticeable and challenging to cover up than they are with FUT. With each harvesting method, some degree of scarring may be unavoidable, but the prominence and look of those scars might vary greatly.
Patients who undergo FUE can anticipate modest, widespread, circular scars across the donor area that, even with short hair or shaved heads, are hardly noticeable. This is due to the fact that the follicular units are taken from the donor area in a more natural pattern and with punch blades that have a diameter of less than 1mm (and not a long, unnatural line, as with strip harvesting methods).
As a result, there is significantly less chance for visible scarring, and the results seem incredibly natural. For people who want to wear their hair short, this can be a particularly noteworthy advantage.
-Lesser discomfort and recovery time
Compared to FUT treatments, FUE hair transplant surgery has much lower reported levels of discomfort. For FUE patients, outcomes are frequently excellent and problems are extremely uncommon. Most post-operative discomfort and side effects subside within a week.
The recovery period following a FUE surgery is short because to its reduced invasiveness. Patients can typically resume their routine activities the next day and go back to work.
Sapphire Hair Transplant in Turkey

What is a sapphire technique hair transplant?
A sapphire technique hair transplant follows the same methods of a regular FUE hair transplant operation. The difference being with the tool that is used to perform the cuts and extractions.
The sapphire blade.Single crystal, synthetic sapphires are used to make sapphire knives. They are hundreds of times harder than steel razor blades, even though they are not as hard as diamonds. The blade's strength ensures a lengthy operational life of more than 100 incisions. Additionally, any currently known process can be used to sanitize the blade and handle.
A precise, clean cut with little damage to surrounding tissue is produced by the combination of the extremely sharp cutting edge, mirror surface finish, and low friction coefficient.
Incisions heal quickly, and scarring is minimized.The use of handheld sapphire knives for precise dissection and microsurgery is perfect. Blades made of sapphire have various benefits.
They have been sharpened to a razor's edge and are incredibly hard. They maintain the edge better than conventional surgical instruments as a result. They can do more than 100 incisions, with a sapphire blade far finer cuts can be made than with conventional tools.
Less cell damage is left along the incision as a result. A precise, clean cut is made with little tissue stress, hastening recovery and minimizing scars.There is no metal ion reactivity in these knives since they are non-metallic. Chemically resistant to disinfectants, lymph, and blood.
A sapphire knife's transparent blades let you view the tissue beneath the edge of the blade. A sapphire knife should last for years if treated properly.
How is a sapphire technique hair transplant in Turkey performed?
The required hair for the transplant is first removed from the patient's donor area using micromotors. After the extraction procedure is finished, incisions are created with sapphire blades in the desired angle, direction, and frequency. The most important stage of the entire procedure is this one.
The surgeon now begins the implantation procedure, inserting the hair follicles obtained from the donor location into the previously made tiny incisions. The sapphire hair transplant procedure is now finished.
What are the benefits of the sapphire technique hair transplant in Turkey?
-Little to no scarring or damage
Blades made of sapphire have a smooth, firm surface that produces flawless cuts. There is little tissue injury because of the special properties of the sapphire blade.
-Increased recovery speed
Because of the properties of the sapphire blade, incisions that will be made during the operation will be very smooth and precise giving minimal damage to the skin tissue allowing it to easily heal after the operation is concluded.
-Safe for people suffering from a metal allergy
Steel-bladed hair transplantation is not an option for anyone with a metal allergy. However, people can consider having the treatment without risk if sapphire blades are used. With sapphire blades, they can do the surgery with assurance.
-Reduced chance of infection
There is little chance of germs adhering to this surface because the sapphire blades are smooth. So, there is a lower chance of infection.
Choi Method Hair Transplantation.

What is a Choi Method of Hair Transplant in Turkey - Istanbul?
Despite the lengthy history of hair transplantation, new techniques have been created as a consequence of research investigations. "Direct Hair Transplantation" stands for this procedure.
Channel opening is the primary distinction between the DHI hair transplantation procedure and the FUE hair transplantation method. The channel opening approach is not used in the DHI method of hair transplantation. A normal appearance is attempted to be achieved by planting the roots in the implant pen in accordance with the hair follicles' instructions.
Although it appears to be a straightforward procedure, the DHI hair transplantation technique is among the most sophisticated hair transplantation treatments.
The DHI procedure involves the gradual removal and implantation of hair follicles. It takes practice and skill to use the Choi Implant Pen in hair transplantation using the DHI procedure.
FUE hair transplantation is a three-stage procedure, whereas DHI hair transplantation (Direct Hair Implantation) is a two-stage procedure.
The DHI Hair Transplant Method's primary goals are to provide a person an intense appearance, improve the hair's quality, preserve the existing hair's appearance, and ensure that the person undergoes the procedure can promptly resume his normal activities without cutting his hair short.
How is a Choi Method hair transplant in Turkey performed?
In the DHI procedure, a unique hair transplant tool is utilized. Using the Choi Implant Pen, the scalp is taken from the donor location of the hair follicle and then implanted back into the scalp.
In this implant pen, hair follicles from the donor area are put, and they are then planted in the areas that lack hair. In actuality, follicle-to-follicle transfer is possible.
A pen-like device called a Choi Implant Pen has a hollow needle on one end. During the hair transplant procedure, specialists insert hair grafts on the hollow needle tip before implanting the hair grafts onto the transplanted scalp using the Choi Implant Pen.
Each graft requires a repeat of this procedure. The hair transplant doctor and hair transplant team employ roughly 6 pens in the DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) technique hair transplant procedure to best organize implantation time and efficiency.
Channel cuts, or the grooving procedure in the area to be transplanted, are not necessary when using the Choi Implant Pen in DHI hair transplantation. With this technique, medical professionals can inject grafts right into the recipient areas.
In terms of enabling more frequent transplantation, the DHI hair transplantation procedure, which is performed without harming healthy tissues, is helpful.
In comparison to other methods, the DHI hair transplantation method's healing time is also relatively short.
The issues with crusting and edema are resolved in about 3–4 days. You can get back to your regular life faster with the DHI hair transplantation procedure.
This technique does not involve using surgical blades. Its foundation is the use of a specialized needle to remove hair follicles. Comparatively to earlier techniques, the individual hair follicle removal minimized tissue injury. As a result, it is the main technique that is advised for hair transplantation.
As a result, it is the main technique that is advised for hair transplantation. Patients frequently prefer this approach. After using this treatment, patients are happy with their hair to a great extent.
A delicate tool is used to remove the structure from the scalp and place it in areas with sparse hair. The structure consists of two or three hair follicles and a small amount of skin tissue.
What are the benefits of Choi method hair transplant?
The advantages of choi method hair transplant:
-Because the grafts are handled more carefully and healthily throughout the implantation because they are kept outside the body for a little length of time.
-Excellent survival rates for hair follicles.
-Reduced likelihood of bleeding during the procedure's extraction and implantation.-Faster healing and a lesser recovery time needed.
-Allows you immediately to return to your regular routine the next day after the operation.
How to prepare for a Choi hair transplant in Turkey.
-Staying Out of the Sun
Keep in mind that before your surgery, you don't want your skin to be exposed to the environment. Operating on healthy, unburned skin is recommended. Wear a hat or umbrella to protect your head, or wait inside until the operation is finished.
-No Supplements
And the same is true of antibiotics. We don't want to risk any supplements or prescriptions interfering with the pre- and post-operative medications we will provide you. Before your procedure, we'll ask you to cease taking a few supplements and drugs.
-No Smoking
Smoking can make you heal more slowly. You should quit smoking at least two weeks before your treatment if possible.
-No Drinking
One week before your surgery, avoid drinking. This is consistent with accepted medical procedures.
-No Tylenol or blood thinning medications
The Doctors wouldn't want the patients to take any medication that will thin your blood, just like you wouldn't want to if you were going under full-blown anesthesia. We'd prefer to reduce the risk of significant bleeding in the unlikely event that something were to go wrong with you during the surgery.
-Followimg the Doctor’s Orders
Before your procedure, detailed instructions will be given to you. It is essential that you adhere to these in order to achieve the best results.
What are the risks and disadvantages that could follow Choi hair transplant
The choi hair transplant method has very little risks, with the only apparent risks are those that accompany any surgical procedure. Like bleeding or infection.
The disadvantages of the choi hair transplant method:
Generally speaking, it is more expensive than other hair implantation techniques. But it is definitely worth it due to how easy and non-demanding it is for the patient.During the procedure, this method calls for more accuracy and care. But that won’t be a problem for our surgeons are skilled and professionals, and with no doubt deliver you a smooth and problem free procedure.
Hair transplantation without shaving

What is an unshaven hair transplant?
Whole head of hair is typically shaved off for a hair transplant. Unshaved hair transplant means, as the name suggests, that the patient's natural hair is not shaved during the hair transplant procedure. This type of hair transplantation is particularly popular among women. Males who do not wish to have their hair shaved during the process can also use this method.
This type of hair transplant has grown in popularity recently, particularly among those who are worried about their future hair transplant appearance and do not want to appear hairless. Women with long hair frequently get unappealing haircuts. Because after being cut, the hair takes some time to grow back to its original length.
There are many ways to carry out the procedure of hair transplantation. As technology advanced, so did hair transplant procedures and the tools used to perform them.
Although there are many hair transplantation techniques, the process is essentially the same. From the donor location, hair roots are removed for transplantation. These hair follicles need to be collected, which requires shaving the donor area. This may be upsetting, especially for women.
If you want to receive a hair transplant but don't want your hair cut, unshaved hair transplant is a perfect option.
How is an unshaven hair transplant performed?
The standard FUE method and the unshaven FUE method of hair transplantation are very similar.
The donor region must be clipped to produce an undercut or bald fade hairstyle that won't significantly alter your everyday appearance. But the fundamental distinction is that there is no shaving of the recipient region.
To guarantee follicular survival, the hair transplants are then carefully removed from the donor area and gathered in a specific solution. Once a predetermined number of hair grafts have been gathered, they are placed in the area surrounding the natural hair that has not been shaved.
Both men and women can benefit from unshaven FUE hair transplantation. Female hair transplants, in particular those on unshaven women, are generally simpler because women typically have more hair to cover their donor areas and do not need to change their hairstyle due to the procedure.
Men tend to have their heads shaved during hair transplant procedures, although the majority of female patients do not.
Unshaven hair transplant for women
Women are particularly turned off by shaving prior to a hair transplant because it would significantly alter their appearance. Furthermore, regaining their former appearance would require a lot more time.
Most women can go for a long time without anyone recognizing their hair balding since hair loss or regional balding in women can be readily hidden by thicker hair. Because of this, shaving their hair might be upsetting.
As a result, one of the most popular hair transplant techniques for ladies is female hair transplant without shaving. Long hair makes it simple to conceal the redness in the donor and recipient areas, allowing women to carry on with their lives as usual.
Unshaven hair transplant for men
For men who don't want to shave before getting a hair transplant, a male hair transplant without shaving is an excellent alternative. Men often have shorter hair, thus removing the unshaven hair follicles from the donor area is not difficult.
In contrast to a shaved hair transplant, collected hair follicles can subsequently be transplanted into the tiny incisions made in the recipient area.
As a result of the hair remaining, it is simpler to conceal the redness and scarring in the recipient area, allowing patients to recover more quickly from their appearance.
Who is eligible for an unshaven hair transplant?
Hair transplants are available to both men and women.
In order to keep the procedure discreet, most patients opt for unshaven hair transplants or choose to leave their existing hair uncut.
Furthermore, an unshaven hair transplant is a considerably more popular choice among females because it is more challenging for them to have totally shaved hair.
On the other hand, not everyone is a good candidate for unshaved hair transplantation. You won't be able to have a no-shave hair transplant if you have severe hair loss.
Extreme hair loss necessitates many more transplants than is typical. Therefore, an unshaven hair transplant may not be beneficial if the patient is suffering from severe hair loss. To determine if a no-shave hair transplant is appropriate, it is wise to examine your hair.
Mild hair loss makes someone a good candidate for an unshaven hair transplant. Patients with severe hair loss cannot benefit from unshaven hair transplantation because it can only be performed in a limited number of grafts.
If a patient has receding hairlines or thinning at the temples, an unshaven hair transplant treatment is the best option for the surgery.
The methods of unshaven hair transplant
Completely unshaven
Without shaving, the hair transplants are removed from the donor area and then implanted in the recipient area. As most of the hair won't need to grow back out, this enables the quickest results.
However, this significantly reduces the number of grafts that may be transplanted in a single session, which is normally no more than a thousand.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) techniques are most frequently used for unshaven hair transplants.
Both procedures are conducted by our top-tier hair restoration specialists and deliver comprehensive, natural results.
The needs of the specific patient will have a significant impact on the type of hair transplant performed. The benefits and drawbacks of each approach are discussed in more detail on the corresponding pages.
It is common to encounter some "shock loss" after a hair transplant, in which case the newly transplanted hair will fall out during the following several weeks. This is expected and normal. Over the following 10 to 12 months, the hair will come back permanently, yielding complete, natural results.
Limited shaving on the donor site
The donor area's hair is just shaved in one or two little strips. This enables the patient's remaining hair to cover the donor region. The total number of hair follicles (grafts) that can be collected is nevertheless constrained. Normally, this permits up to 2,500 grafts per session.
Shaving the donor site while maintaining the recipient site unshaven.
It could be required to shave the donor area for patients whose receiving area is almost entirely bald. This process becomes more time-consuming and challenging if the recipient area still has a substantial amount of hair.
What are the benefits of an unshaven hair transplant?
Without shaving, hair transplants have various advantages. The discretion a transplanted head of hair without beard offers is one of its most valued advantages. After the process, there are almost no obvious indications of an unshaven transplant.
Additionally, because the hairs are not shaved before extraction, it is simpler to match the angle and direction of their growth to that of the natural hair.
Platelet-rich plasma injections.

What are platelet-rich plasma injections?
Platelet-rich plasma is made up of two components: platelets, a type of blood cell that is crucial to overall bodily repair, and plasma, the liquid portion of blood.
In addition to their well-known clotting properties, platelets also contain growth factors that can promote cell proliferation, encourage tissue regeneration, or hasten healing in the treated area. Simply said, platelet-rich plasma is blood that has more platelets than usual.
How are platelet-rich plasma injections used to treat hair loss?
Clinicians draw a blood sample from the patient and place it into a centrifuge, which quickly spins the sample, isolating the platelets from the other blood components and concentrating them inside the plasma. This process produces platelet-rich plasma.
A patient's blood sample is used to make platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into the wounded area, such as a tendon or knee, as needed. The doctor may occasionally utilize ultrasonography to direct the injection. To hasten the healing process, it is intended to raise the concentration of particular bio-proteins or hormones, known as growth factors, in a particular location.
After the platelet-rich plasma has been obtained, it will be injected into the scalp in various spots.
The majority of PRP research for hair loss has concentrated on using it to treat alopecia.
This disorder, often known as hormone-related baldness, can affect both men and women. Hair loss in men often starts at the top and front of the head.
Women experience thinning on the top and crown of the head, which frequently starts with the middle hair part being broader.
It can also be used to treat male-pattern baldness as well. This procedure is done through multiple sessions.
Who can benefit from platelet-rich plasma injections the most?
Those who are partially bald but have thinning or balding hair. PRP injections are designed to strengthen, thicken, and encourage the growth of new hair from active follicles.
Those who have only lately lost their hair. Your chances of reversing hair loss before PRP treatments become ineffective are better the more recently it started.
Those whose excessive levels of stress are causing hair loss. This ailment is not persistent, making treatment very simple.
Those affected by other types of alopecia, including androgenic alopecia. This condition is also called male or female pattern baldness.
It is a genetic disorder that affects approximately 50% of men and possibly the same number of women over the age of 40.
Here are some things to help you before and after PRP in Turkey
Things to do before the procedure
Your hair should be shampooed and condition before the process. It is clean and free of grease and dirt particles in this way.
Before the injections, it creates a sterile environment on your scalp.
Drink at least 16 ounces of water and have a healthy breakfast.
You won't likely feel queasy, lightheaded, or dizzy this way. Be mindful that blood will be extracted.
You should probably eat something before going if getting that done on an empty stomach makes you uncomfortable.
If possible, avoid heavy drinking or smoking before an event. As a result, you could not be eligible for the operation since your platelet count will be much lower.
Prior to getting your PRP injections, wait at least three days before using any hair products like gel or hairspray. You may experience side effects later on as a result of this.
Things to not do after the procedure
Wash your hair as usual unless the injection location is particularly sore or uncomfortable.
Go back to your regular routine. You shouldn't experience any limitation or discomfort after receiving PRP injections. Unlike other operations, you shouldn't feel sleepy or worn out after this one.
For a minimum of at least 72 hours following the PRP injections, avoid getting your hair colored or permed. The abrasive chemicals will irritate the injection site and may result in problems. It also makes scalp pain worse.
What are the benefits of platelet-rich plasma injections?
Strengthens your already present a hair and prevents it from thinning in the future.
Increases the thickness of your existing hair and adds to its quantity.
It’s a very safe procedure and requires no surgery or preparation.
No chance of allergic reactions due to the injections using your own blood.
Increases density of the hair and its overall health and quality.
What makes me a candidate for a PRP injection?
If you are starting to suffer from noticeable hair loss and decreased density in your hair.
If you are healthy and above the age of 18.
What are some side effects of PRP injections?
Dizziness : You may experience some dizziness after the operation due to needing to extract some of your blood for the platelet injection.
Nausea : As well you might experience some nausea due to needing to extract some blood from you. That’s why it’s important to eat a rich and nutritious meal and drink lots of water a few hours before the operation.
Irritation in the scalp after the operation: You might feel some irritation in your scalp after the procedure, due to the injections entering your scalp. This will go soon after a day or two if it were to occur.
Injury to blood vessels: The injection shots may hit and damage a blood vessel, but that is highly unlikely because the procedure will be handled by our doctors who are very skilled and professional at what they do.
Injury to nerves: Some injury to nerves may occur due to the injection shots. But again there won’t be a need to be concerned as our medical professionals are highly skilled at what they do.
Why should I come to Turkey for a PRP injection procedure?
If you are looking to perform a platelet-rich plasma injection, then turkey is your best option. Turkey provides the highest and most skilled of cosmetic surgeons and doctors.
A platelet-rich plasma injection procedure can be quite expensive if you are getting in somewhere like the Americas or in some countries in Europe. But turkey offers great and high quality operations for a fraction of the price. Offering safe and great quality, while maintaining fair and reasonable prices.
Along with allowing you to take in the fascinating sights and culture either before or after your procedure. You can transform what would otherwise be a tedious and dull travel home into an amazing experience by making the most of what Turkey has to offer. The city’s busy streets, delicious cuisine, and unique historical sites and museums.
Mesotherapy injections.

What are mesotherapy injections?
Although mesotherapy injections are more commonly used as a form of spot fat reduction like a liposuction. It can also be applied to the hair and scalp for other benefits.
Mesotherapy injections are used to treat people who are suffering from hair loss. One of the most significant issues that people try to address is hair loss, because it has an impact on their social life, self-esteem, and outward look.
The mesotherapy injection technique, which is used at the best clinics for beauty and hair transplantation in Turkey in accordance with the most recent medical specifications and standards as well as by experts and specialists in this field, has emerged as the most recent and efficient treatment procedure today. You will learn a lot about this new technology with us.
How is a mesotherapy injection performed?
Hair mesotherapy involves injecting nutrients directly into the scalp, including amino acids, surface expanders, calcium, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, iron, and agents connected to the keratin layer of the skin.
Application of specific drugs containing vitamins and nutrients is important for the health of your hair and hair growth.
This application can be used to treat a variety of issues, including nourishing hair follicles, reviving dormant hair bulbs, and getting rid of dandruff. A skilled expert will use a thin needle to inject he vitamin and nutrients right into your scalp, without causing any pain.For the scalp and hair, mesotherapy is extremely effective.
It is regarded as one of the most well-liked methods in modern cosmetic surgery for treating numerous hair issues.
Typically mesotherapy injections are carried out in sessions which last up to 30 minutes. Although the amount of sessions will be different from patient to patient. The doctor will determine how much sessions you need after checking your scalp and hair’s condition.
What are the benefits of a mesotherapy injection?
-An Easy and pain free procedure
Mesotherapy injections are simple procedures that don’t require any surgery or anesthesia. Being completely pain free and allowing you to start moving and continue with your day right after your session is done.
To ensure that your mesotherapy process is simple and comfortable, a local anesthetic is applied to the affected area before to the operation. The procedure does not cause the person to experience ongoing discomfort while recovering from the procedure, as the doctor will use microneedles which will only penetrate the skin of your scalp to the middle layer, commonly known as the mesoderm.
-Preventing and delaying hair loss
There are numerous methods that mesotherapy is designed to delay the hair loss process. The rejuvenating qualities of the nutrients were taken into consideration when choosing them for the injections.
The basic building blocks of nourishing proteins, vitamins, and minerals are given to the scalp follicles during mesotherapy, which increases blood flow to the scalp, lowering inflammation, and promoting hair development.
-Fast and smooth recovery
While the total course of mesotherapy may span several weeks or months, recovery from each session is quick and almost painless.
Although some patients may feel minor bruising or scalp soreness as a result of the microinjections, these adverse effects usually go away within a week following the surgery.
The results of mesotherapy can also be observed fast, frequently in just a few days to weeks, in contrast to the hair transplant procedure.
-Lowering the chances of alopecia and male-pattern baldness
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) overproduction in the patient is one of the most common causes of alopecia and male-pattern baldness.
Premature balding, particularly over the gulfs and vertex of the scalp, can occur as a result of the overproduction of DHT, which shortens the life cycles of hair.
When excess DHT is neutralized by the nutrients utilized in mesotherapy, the hair roots can continue their typical life cycle, resulting in healthy and extended growth.
-Reduces the scalp from flaking (dandruff)
The regeneration of the scalp itself is a side effect of the mesotherapy procedure. Years of cosmetic use of mesotherapy have helped to lessen wrinkles, treat dermatitis, and give skin a "glowing" appearance.
The micro-perforations made by the injection needles in the scalp mesoderm, which are essential building blocks of healthy skin, encourage the creation of collagen and elastin. The injections simultaneously encourage enhanced blood flow, which benefits both a nourished head and robust, healthy hair follicles.
Mesotherapy does all of this without compromising already-existing collagen; as a result, it only boosts the quantity of this advantageous chemical in your scalp. The results are: Hydrated, healthy skin that is less likely to flake.
Am I a good candidate for mesotherapy injections in Turkey?
-Hair loss
If you are starting to experience hair loss, then you may be fit for a mesotherapy injection treatment.
If you suffer from alopecia and are starting to experience hair loss in your scalp. Then you are a prime candidate for a mesotherapy injection procedure. As mesotherapy can help fight the hair loss on your scalp and delay it further.
-Male-pattern baldness
If you are experiencing male-pattern baldness, then you are eligible for a mesotherapy injection procedure. As the nutrients in the injections can help support your scalp and help you retain your hair longer.
Here are some things that would make you ineligible for a mesotherapy injection:
-Cancer patients.
-People with immunological diseases.
-Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
-People who are suffering from diabetes.
How do I prepare for a mesotherapy injection in Turkey?
The most important and only thing you need to do to prepare for your operation, is to set a date for a checkup with the doctor that will handle your mesotherapy injections procedure in the future.
You need to visit your doctor so they can take a look at you and the state of your hair to determine what vitamins should the doctor use for the injections, and how many sessions will be necessary for your treatment.
Your doctor then will make sure that you have no allergies to the types of substances and medications that will be used in the injections.
What should I avoid doing after mesotherapy injections?
After receiving mesotherapy, wait at least eight hours before washing or taking a shower. After treatment, wait 48 hours before taking a hot bath. Following the 48-hour interval, bathing are permitted for the first week but can only last for 15 minutes to help with any possible bruising.
Exercise shouldn't be done for 48 hours following the mesotherapy injections procedure. Exercise will make you sweat and expel the solution via your skin's pores, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.
-Sun exposure
After the procedure and for 48 hours after the bruising has subsided, sun exposure must be avoided. If you must spend time in the sun, always wear sunscreen with a something to protect your head from the sun.
What are the side effects of mesotherapy injections?
The side effects of mesotherapy injections are very rare. But if they were to occur they would be:
The most frequent adverse effects include bruising, which usually goes away within a week, and scalp discomfort, which usually goes away within 24 to 48 hours.
You might experience some soreness in your scalp after the procedure. This will also be gone in 24 hours.
Mesotherapy injections Vs hair transplant in Turkey
Mesotherapy injections are great for those who are suffering from hair loss and or starting to. Allowing your hair to be rejuvenated and halt the loss of hair.
Mesotherapy injections are quick, painless and less expensive. But the downside to that is that mesotherapy is only effective who have remaining hair on their scalps.
Although a hair transplant takes a lot more effort and work that needs to be done. It allows those who have no hair remaining on their scalp to regain it back, through taking hair follicles from the patient’s body, which are then placed inside the patient’s scalp.
A hair transplant is much more expensive, but it provides much better results for those who have lost all their hair.
Why should I get a mesotherapy injection in Turkey?
One of the most well-liked destinations worldwide for cosmetic and plastic surgery is Turkey. The provision of excellent preoperative and postoperative care.
Compared to several other European nations, for a far reduced price. Enabling you to take in the fascinating sights and culture either before or after your procedure.
You can transform what would otherwise be a tedious and dull travel home into an amazing experience by making the most of what Turkey has to offer.
The cities busy streets, mouthwatering cuisine, and special historical sites and museums, allowing you to enjoy your time and have fun while you're recovering much more preferable than requiring you to stay at home and just be bored.
Long hair transplantation.

What exactly is a long hair transplantation?
While a FUE procedure has many advantages, such as minimal scarring, allowing a patient to keep their hair very short, and allowing them to resume strenuous activity sooner, one drawback is that the donor area, such as the back and sides of the scalp, from which the hair follicles were extracted, is not always suitable for use. Need must be shaved down to a length of about 1 mm.
After the treatment, the donor region might be visible for 10–14 days, which can make it difficult to resume work or daily activities.
By allowing the hair on the back and sides of the scalp to grow and become longer beforehand, our clinic will perform a long hair transplantation FUE.
This lengthier hair is lifted the day of the treatment, and a small band is then shaved. Then, the follicular unit grafts will be removed from this band that has been shaved.
The hair is combed down to thoroughly cover the areas where the donor tissue was removed when the treatment is finished. More grafts can be retrieved for the surgery and a wider band can be shaved as the hair grows longer.
Pros and cons of long hair transplantation?
You can easily get back to your regular routine because your original hairdo will be mostly preserved.
Long hair transplants make it simpler to conceal any redness or scarring from surgery.
Fewer grafts are often implanted during a long hair FUE hair transplant, which reduces recovery time.
Some disadvantages also follow the long hair transplantation method. Such as:
Long hair transplants can require multiple sessions to attain the necessary hair density in the recipient area since fewer hair follicles are transplanted.
A transplant of long hair could cost more money than a typical hair transplant.
How is a long hair transplantation procedure performed?
Long hair transplant procedure is performed by either the FUT or FUE method depending on your chosen approach method.
The operation is done exactly the same as a normal hair transplant with the exception being not having to completely shave your long hair, which will be used to cover the donor area after thee traction of the hair follicles.
This method is especially great to women who have long hair and do not wish to shave it. This way your hair will remain intact and plentiful.
Hair transplant for women in Turkey

The thinning and loss of hair are two of the most upsetting physical changes women may go through as they age. Even though the majority of people only connect men with hair loss, by the age of fifty, lower hair density affects nearly half of women. These ladies may experience mental trauma and a sense of helplessness as a result of their hair's increasing thinning.
That is why we will recommend you a set of hair transplant methods that will grow and increase your hair without needing to shave your head completely. Aiming to help your hair and maintain it at the same time.
Types of hair loss treatment for women
FUE hair transplant
The hair restoration procedure known as follicular unit extraction (FUE) is frequently used to treat male and female pattern baldness as well as hair loss brought on by a variety of other diseases. Although you may have heard that shaving your head prior to the treatment is required, the No-shave approach now makes it possible to execute the surgery with little to no shaving. Which is perfect for women who want to maintain their hair.
Platelet rich plasma injections
Platelet-rich plasma is made up of two components: platelets, a type of blood cell that is crucial to overall bodily repair, and plasma, the liquid portion of blood.
In addition to their well-known clotting properties, platelets also contain growth factors that can promote cell proliferation, encourage tissue regeneration, or hasten healing in the treated area. Simply said, platelet-rich plasma is blood that has more platelets than usual.
Clinicians draw a blood sample from the patient and place it into a centrifuge, which quickly spins the sample, isolating the platelets from the other blood components and concentrating them inside the plasma. This process produces platelet-rich plasma.
A patient's blood sample is used to make platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into the wounded area, such as a tendon or knee, as needed.
The doctor may occasionally utilize ultrasonography to direct the injection. To hasten the healing process, it is intended to raise the concentration of particular bio proteins or hormones, known as growth factors, in a particular location.
This is helps stop any hair loss that could be occurring without needing to shave off your hair.
DHI (Direct Hair implantation)
DHI hair transplant surgery is a more recent process compared to FUE and is similar to the FUE technique in that it offers a natural appearance and does not leave a scar after the procedure. Although the graft removal procedure used in DHI and FUE is similar, there are a few differences that should be taken into consideration.
Using a specialized instrument with a diameter of 1 mm or smaller, the hair follicles are initially removed one by one. The Choi Implanter Pen is used to implant the hair follicles directly into the recipient area after the next stage, which involves loading them into the implant device.
Channel construction and implantation are finished simultaneously during the DHI procedure. Choi Implanter Pen increases the doctor's sensitivity when implanting hair follicles. In addition, it offers more comfortable control over the depth, angle, and direction of newly transplanted hair.
Why is Turkey the best place for women to have hair transplants?
Over the years turkey has become the center of some the best plastic surgery operations in the world. When it comes to the quality of surgeries, variety and safety, Turkey has it all, and much more to offer.
Even from an economical view point turkey is the best available option, offering you top quality for a fraction of the price from a local clinic from your country. In all of Europe and Asia there is no other country that compares to the quality medical care and affordability.
Mustache Transplantation.

What is a mustache transplant?
Loss of facial hair can be caused by a variety of factors, such as heredity, laser hair removal, burns, accident, or surgery. The objectives of a mustache transplant process might range from complete restoration to minimal filling in of a small area.
Hair is restored to the mustache area through a procedure known as mustache and beard transplant surgery. Scar concealment can also be accomplished using facial hair transplants. The procedure for a mustache transplant is similar to one for a hair transplant, and the newly implanted hair grows and can even be shaved like other facial hair.
Men who experience sporadic or patchy hair loss in their goatee, other beard areas, sideburns, or mustache typically undergo a facial hair transplant operation.
Hair loss may run in families or be brought on by burns, burn scars, or other accidents. Maintaining a thick beard or mustache is a sign of masculinity and power for some men, while also being attractive and enhancing a man's looks.
Moreover, many young men use it as a fashion statement.
The transplantation of a beard or mustache is more difficult and sophisticated since the direction and angle of the hair varies depending on the area of the beard or mustache.
Therefore, it takes more training and careful planning on the part of the surgeon to comprehend the natural pattern and tailor the procedure properly. In any case, the surgical procedures for the transplant are substantially the same as for FUE hair transplant.
How is a mustache transplant in Turkey performed?
The direction and angle of the hair vary based on the area of the beard or mustache, making beard and mustache transplantation more challenging and intricate.
Therefore, understanding the natural pattern and appropriately tailoring the treatment requires greater training and meticulous planning on the part of the physician. In any case, the surgical techniques used for the transplant are largely the same as those used for FUE hair transplant.
One of the two hair transplantation techniques—Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplant—will be used by the doctor to begin the mustache transplant surgery (FUT).
In a FUE operation, individual hair follicle units are removed. The scalp or another location with growing hair is used to harvest the units. A little strip of genetically unaltered follicular units is removed from the donor location during a FUT operation. The strip is divided into individual follicular units, which are then implanted.
The surgeon will begin the mustache transplant procedure by using one of the two hair transplantation procedures, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT). Individual hair follicle units are extracted during a FUE procedure.
The units are taken from the scalp or another area where hair is growing. During a FUT procedure, a little strip of genetically unmodified follicular units is taken out of the donor site. Individual follicular units are extracted from the strip and implanted.
Depending on the amount of hair being transplanted and the extent of the area to be covered, the process can take anywhere from two to eight hours and is often carried out under a moderate sedative. Both the treatment and the healing process are essentially painless.
After the surgery, each transplanted hair develops a little crust for the first five days. The area where the beard was transplanted needs to be kept absolutely dry for these five days.
It will be clear that something has been done to the face for at least the first three to four days following the beard transplant. The new hairs start to fall out two weeks following the transplant. This is typical, and three months after the treatment, the facial hair will begin to grow again.
Eyebrow transplantation.

What is an eyebrow transplant?
A permanent cosmetic treatment called an eyebrow transplant can restore lost hair or make your brows appear fuller. In order to replace your existing eyebrow hair, a surgeon will carry out this surgery utilizing scalp or hair grafts.
When doing a hair graft, a surgeon takes a small portion of your scalp, typically from above your ears, which may contain two to fifteen hair follicles. Your hair grows out of tubes called hair follicles.
Your eyebrows receive the hair transplant from the surgeon. Your brow hair will appear more prominent once your skin has fully recovered from surgery, which will eliminate the need for eyebrow makeup or a pencil.
How is an eyebrow transplant in Turkey performed?
In an eyebrow transplant in Turkey, a cosmetic surgeon removes a graft of hair (plug). The transplant is moved to the brow region by the surgeon along with the hair and its follicle roots.
The area around your ear or the nape of your neck is typically used to remove the hair graft.
The surgeon will store the hair transplants in a storage jar with a cooled saline solution for up to an hour after they have been extracted before inserting them into your eyebrows.
Since local anesthetic is typically used for eyebrow transplants, you won't feel a thing during the operation.
Following the procedure, the region is left open, and the freshly transplanted follicles begin to develop a crust. These crusts are a typical sign of healing and should disappear in a few days.
For up to five days, there may be some minor bruising and swelling in the area. Every two to three hours, a saline spray ought to be used. Your doctor will likely give you oral painkillers, antibiotics, and steroids to take for up to five days following surgery.
The newly implanted hair will fall out after the initial implantation. That is typical. Around three months following your procedure, the area should start to regenerate hair.
You might be able to get a touch-up nine months following the procedure if some of the grafts don't "take" or the hair isn't nearly as dense as it should be. Speaking with your doctor is advised because this will vary depending on the circumstances.
It is important to remember the premium all-inclusive packages offered by Best clinics in Turkey. This includes providing a vehicle for transport during treatment with an interpreter who is fluent in the languages of the patient and the Turkish language.
What is the price of a Hair transplant in Turkey?
The cost of Hair transplant in Turkey starts from 2200$ at Turkey Best Clinics. Contact us now via WHAT'S APP on 00905538908232 to get an evaluation to your case in addition to the best price offers in Turkey.
How much does a hair transplant in Turkey cost?
The price of a hair transplant operation in Turkey depends on the method and amount of hair follicles that you wish to transplant.
This price can be determined by contacting us and informing us of which hair transplant method you are interested in.
You can contact us +905538908232
Hair Transplant in Turkey Before ad After
Before and after photos of operations
Hair transplants in Turkey
Is female hair transplant permanent?
A hair transplant can be an option if you're looking for a long-term cure for your baldness. Through hair transplant surgery, the doctor can relocate healthy scalp hair to balding areas. Thanks to one significant development, results today can look natural.
Is sapphire hair transplant good?
Blades made of sapphire are more durable than steel and maintain their sharpness for a long period. Because the blades used in sapphire hair transplantation are state-of-the-art. The best outcome for the patient is provided by sapphire hair transplantation if all other factors remain the same.
Why is Turkey so good at hair transplant?
Better Methods
In Turkey, surgical procedures like FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), which are primarily used for crown hair transplants, are favored because they have the lowest recovery pain levels, no apparent scarring, and hasten the healing process.
How long does a female hair transplant last?
Because healthy hair follicles are transplanted into bald or thinning areas, hair transplants typically last a lifetime.
What can you not do after a beard transplant?
Do not itch the grafted hairs in your beard.
If the skin behind the scabs hasn't healed, don't remove any of them. You should contact your surgeon or the aftercare staff right away if you scratched your beard and observe any bleeding, significant swelling, or inflammation. To prevent infection, you might require an antibiotic.
How long does pain last after FUT hair transplant?
Within 48 to 72 hours following surgery, the discomfort and pain ought to start to subside. If your pain persists after this time, you should contact the office. The tightness in your scalp will typically be the source of the most of your discomfort.
How long does it take for transplanted eyebrows to grow?
The entire growth process takes place over the course of a year. After then, it persists forever.
Is it better to get hair transplant in UK or Turkey?
If you have extensive hair loss and require a lot of grafts, traveling to Turkey for your operation could significantly minimize the cost of your transplant. The cost per graft is 83% lower there than it is in the UK.
How many grafts needed for full beard?
2,500 to 3,000 grafts are normally needed for a full beard transplant. Depending on their individual goals, the patient might need more hair grafts for their sideburns and mustache.
Does FUT donor hair grow back?
However, does donor hair regrow? It can, indeed. Several variables affect whether hair regrows and how long it takes the donor location to begin producing normal amounts of hair. The method of extraction, whether FUE or FUT, as well as how you care for your donor area after hair transplant surgery, both have an impact.
Do I need to shave my head for PRP?
Fortunately, you don't have to shave your head for PRP.
How long does FUE take to look normal?
Ten days is what patients claim they require to feel like they look "normal" after FUE procedures where the back and sides of the head are shaved because it takes a little longer for the hair to grow back out and cover the area. Although Long Hair FUE operations are less invasive, shaving is not necessary.
When can I rub my head after hair transplant?
During the first three hours following surgery, avoid touching the recipient areas at all costs. The grafts will dry out and lightly adhere to the recipient channels during this brief period. Maintain an elevated position with the head still for the entire three hours while sitting comfortably.
Are FUE hair transplants worth it?
FUE transplants can be just as successful as the more traditional FUT method, with graft survival rates of 90%. So yes it’s worth it.
Which female hormone helps hair growth?
Hair loss and hair growth are both influenced by estrogen. For instance, a woman's estrogen levels rise during pregnancy, telling more hair follicles to "grow" and fewer to "rest" Despite having high estrogen levels, women have thick, luscious hair.
Do all grafts survive?
According to studies, graft survival rates range from roughly 90% to well over 100%. However, a few surgeons can achieve 100% graft survival under optimum conditions.
How painful is an eyebrow transplant?
A brow transplant is not painful because you won't feel anything during the procedure thanks to general anesthetic. As your skin recovers from the surgery, you might feel some minor discomfort. To ease the agony, you can either take over-the-counter pain relievers or have your surgeon prescribe pain medication.
Why is hair transplant so cheap in Turkey?
The rates are lower in Turkey since there are fewer expenses compared to other nations. When establishing the price of hair transplant treatments, the clinics have a significant advantage over their European rivals thanks to the low cost of labor in Turkey.
Can I see results after 1 PRP?
Within the first several weeks (3 to 6), you should notice a difference in the amount of hair shedding. Within several months, you should see a difference in density as well.
Do beard transplant leave scars?
To make room for this freshly transplanted facial hair, very small incisions are necessary, but the scars that appear are typically so thin that they are barely discernible.
When should a woman see a doctor for hair loss?
When to consult a physician. If you or your child is experiencing persistent hair loss and you wish to seek treatment, make an appointment with your doctor. Discuss early treatment options with your doctor if you're a woman suffering a receding hairline (facial alopecia) in order to prevent major permanent baldness.
How long does mesotherapy last for hair?
Mesotherapy's full benefits can last anywhere between 12 and 18 months.
Mesotherapy's full benefits can last anywhere between 12 and 18 months.
Does hair fall out after FUT?
After a hair transplant, hair graft shedding can occur anywhere between 1 and 5 weeks after the treatment. A few months following the treatment, patients can rest certain that new hairs will ultimately grow back. Patients are frequently frightened by the ongoing hair loss, but this is normal.
How many sessions of mesotherapy do I need?
The amount will be decided by your doctor according to your scalp and hair condition. But typically it takes 8 or more sessions.
Can I wear a hat after 5 days of hair transplant?
Most will advise you to hold off wearing a hat or cap for at least ten days. Your transplanted grafts must root in the balding areas for 7–10 days. To protect the grafts from harm and to get the best, long-lasting outcomes, every follicular unit must remain in place without interruption.
How long should you stay in Turkey for hair transplant?
We advise a minimum of 2 days of stay in Turkey for a successful hair transplant. You might have surgery once you've landed in Turkey. If you reserve a flight in advance, you can have a hair transplant that same day. Or it could even take less depending on the chosen hair transplant method and amount of hair to be transplanted.
Do you need haircuts after hair transplant?
The good news is that you can get your hair cut without harming the transplants or new hair after around three weeks.
Does transplanted hair go grey?
Your hair's color won't change after a hair transplant. Rarely, the treatment may cause some transplanted hair to prematurely grey, but it won't have an impact on the longevity or general health of the hair. The receiving area will gradually turn grey once the donor area does.
Does FUE look fake?
Nobody should be able to tell you had a FUE surgery done if it is done correctly using individual follicular units and the location is correct.
Does FUE hair get thicker?
The newly transplanted hair will start to grow once more; at first, it will probably be finer than usual, but as the months pass, it will start to become thicker.
What is the success rate of FUE?
The success rate of the FUE hair transplantation process ranges from 95% to 100%. However, it should be mentioned that the predicted level of success depends on whether the doctor doing the process and the medical staff are skilled and experienced in executing FUE procedures.
Should you shave after getting a beard transplant?
While trimming or shaving your new beard may be alluring, doing so can disturb hair follicles and prevent them from establishing themselves in their new place. For optimal results, wait at least a week before trimming and 10 to 14 days before shaving.
Can you tell if someone got a hair transplant?
When a hair transplant is performed skillfully, no one should be able to tell you've undergone surgery.
Is it worth to travel to Turkey for hair transplant?
The safest country to visit for a hair transplant is certainly Turkey. Hair transplant clinics organize all assistance for you to travel, particularly in Istanbul and Ankara. None of the patients who traveled for the procedure expressed any complaints about security concerns or restrictions.
What age is ideal for hair transplantation?
The recommended age range for hair transplantation is 25 to 75 years old. Early adulthood is not advised because the patient continues to lose hair as they age, even after the transplant, which makes the transplanted strips look very odd.
How long do FUE hair transplants last?
A lifetime. Even after they're implanted into the balding areas of the scalp, the transplanted hair follicles retain the characteristics of their origin and continue to grow for life.
How many sessions of PRP do you need for hair growth?
Most often, patients undergo a series of about 3 – 6 PRP treatments in their initial round of therapy.
Does scalp surgery hurt?
It is quite simple compared to some other surgical treatments, though you might expect some slight discomfort as your scalp recovers following the procedure. Your scalp will receive a light local anesthetic prior to the treatment to minimize pain.
Is hair transplant in Turkey safe?
Yes, there is a reason Turkey is the first place people think of when considering a hair transplant when they think of other countries. Patients seeking hair transplants come to Turkey from many different nations.
Which is better FUE or FUT hair transplant?
FUT is advised when a patient's main objective is to obtain the most possible fullness from hair restoration. FUT may offer better coverage and fullness than FUE for patients who have substantial balding in the crown region of the head.
Does scalp surgery cause hair loss?
The loss of hair following surgery is sometimes referred to as "shock loss". This transient hair loss can be brought on by procedures like follicular unit hair restoration, hairline lowering, or really any severe scalp surgery (particularly those needing general anesthesia).
How long after hair transplantation can I fly?
You may find it challenging to open your eyes as a result of the swelling beginning to damage your forehead and eyes. We advise avoiding air travel for seven days following your hair transplant to lower the likelihood of this happening.
Is mesotherapy for hair effective?
Hair experts estimate that 92% to 90% of mesotherapy treatments will be successful. Due to vigorous blood circulation, mesotherapy causes your hair follicle to grow more quickly and survive over time.
What not to do after scalp surgery?
Swimming, drinking alcohol, smoking, engaging in high-impact exercise, and other activities should all be avoided during these brief post-hair transplant recovery days. Using frequent saline sprays to maintain your scalp well-hydrated during this time is also essential.
Can I walk around Istanbul after hair transplant?
The bandage should, however, stay on your head overnight. After that, you can remove it without issue and have a stroll through the city. Therefore, when packing for hair transplant surgery in Turkey, remember to bring clothes for a city stroll.
What causes high DHT in females?
Female excessive testosterone causes Hormonal alterations in women can be brought on by a number of illnesses or hormonal conditions. Hirsutism, polycystic ovary disease, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia are the most typical reasons of elevated testosterone levels in women.
Is FUE less painful than FUT?
The FUT procedure is more painful than the FUE procedure; it also leaves a linear scar but does not call for trimming the donor area. In comparison, the FUE procedure requires shaving the donor area but is less painful and does not create a linear donor scar.
Can PRP regrow hair?
PRP helps with healing throughout the body to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair.
Is hair mesotherapy painful?
This treatment is painless and non-surgical.
How long does eyebrow transplant last?
Most qualified applicants who undergo brow transplantation frequently experience positive outcomes within the first two years. After then, the effects may diminish and hairs may start to fall out. After the first surgery, the results might continue for years.
How many hairs are in one graft?
A hair graft contains how many hairs? The majority of people's hair will grow in groups of 1, 2, 3, or 4 hairs rather than just one hair grouping. Graft is the term used to describe these collections of hair. Each hair graft contains, on average, 2 hairs.
What should I not do before hair transplant?
Energy drinks shouldn't be consumed three days or more before surgery. Smoking should be avoided for at least three days prior to surgery. Before the procedure, avoid taking any drugs unless your doctor gives the all-clear. Eat no fried or fatty foods for at least 10 days before to the procedure.
Does mesotherapy grow new hair?
Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical alternative for hair regrowth.
What hormone causes hair loss in females?
For both men and women, hormones are the main factor in hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone (also known as "DHT"), a hormone that your body makes as a consequence of testosterone, is the specific hormone that causes hair loss in both sexes.
Can you get a full beard transplant?
By using a method called beard hair transplantation, parts of the face where facial hair normally grows are given new hair. This surgical technique can be done on the cheeks, beard, sideburns, and goatee and mustache areas. Acne scars and other sorts of face scars can be covered up using facial hair transplants.
Do and don'ts after hair transplant?
Swimming, drinking alcohol, smoking, engaging in high-impact exercise, and other activities should all be avoided during these brief post-hair transplant recovery days. Using frequent saline sprays to maintain your scalp well-hydrated during this time is also essential.
How do you take care of an eyebrow transplant?
You can encourage healing on the first day by misting a saline follicle spray on your brows. You can gently wash your face and brows with specialized shampoo and pat them dry after 24 hours. Avoid rubbing your grafts at all costs at this time.
What will I look like immediately after hair transplant?
The surgical site will appear slightly red, glossy, and swollen just after the procedure. Thousands of fresh, tiny hairs can also be seen sprouting where the follicular unit grafts were inserted, if you look closely.
Are FUE hair transplants painful?
While FUE and FUT shouldn't be painful while being performed, the treated areas of the scalp may be sore for a few days after the treatment.
Are grafts secure after 7 days?
After your hair transplants, it takes 5–10 days for your grafts to become stable. You must take excellent care of your graft while it heals. Newly implanted grafts typically take 5 to 10 days following a hair transplant to become secure.
Can I shower after hair mesotherapy?
Do not wash or take a shower for at least 8 hours after Mesotherapy treatment.
Is hair transplant risky for life?
Hair transplants are completely safe.
Can I apply hair products after mesotherapy?
You should avoid any hair products and shampoos for about 8-24 hours after your procedure.
Does eyebrow transplant leave scars?
Professional surgeons will perform the procedure without leaving any scarring in the brow region. Only a tiny amount of scarring from the donor area will be seen, and it will be virtually undetectable and simple to conceal.
How painful is beard transplant?
You won't feel much pain because the majority of our beard hair transplant treatments are conducted as outpatient procedures under local anesthetic. Beard transplants are generally painless operations, however you can notice a little discomfort or redness for a few days after the treatment.
Does mesotherapy thicken hair?
What mesotherapy does is nourish the hair follicles to settle in the hair easily, thus thickening thin hair, stopping hair loss, and strengthening the hair.
How long does scalped hair take to grow back?
An inch of new hair often grows back per month. It is crucial to remember that taking care of your hair will help it stay healthy, lustrous, and grow quickly. It grows back at a rate of half an inch each month in about 99% of cases.
Can FUE be done without shaving?
The answer depends on the patient and the situation, however it is feasible to perform FUE hair transplant without shaving. The surgeons might be able to complete the procedure without shaving the donor or recipient areas if only a little portion of your head needs to be treated.
Do I have to shave my head for beard transplant?
You don't have to shave your head. The surgical crew will trim the thin hairline at the sides and back of your head that will be surgically removed.
How long does hair PRP last?
You’ll be able to enjoy new hair growth for about 18 to 24 months. Because PRP is not permanent, touch-up treatments are recommended once a year.
Can you damage grafts after 2 weeks?
It may be possible to dislodge a graft after a week or two but it is unlikely. Most grafts are set within the first week.
How many hairs are needed for eyebrow transplant?
Most qualified applicants who undergo brow transplantation frequently experience positive outcomes within the first two years. After then, the effects may diminish and hairs may start to fall out. After the first surgery, the results might continue for years.
Will PRP thicken my hair?
Yes, PRP can help thicken hair by improving the blood flow to the hair follicles.
Can I shower after beard transplant?
Before you wash your beard, you must first wait 48 hours. Of course, you are welcome to take a shower before that, but avoid getting your hair or beard wet. You can begin shampooing your hair and beard on day three following the transplant. For the first five days, shampoo your hair very gently.
Does scalp reduction work?
A type of cosmetic surgery called scale reduction surgery is used to cure hair loss. Although it frequently works, it isn't always successful. To ensure that you have a realistic knowledge of whether the operation will provide you with the results you seek, consult your doctor.
Do eyebrow transplants grow long?
Unlike transplanted hair, which continues to grow, most eyebrows cease growing when they reach a length of approximately half an inch or less. You'll need to develop the practice of cutting the transplanted brow hair occasionally to keep it well-groomed and neat, unless you desire exceptionally lengthy and bushy eyebrows.
Should I wash my hair before PRP?
Shower the morning of your treatment and wash your hair very thoroughly using your regular shampoo. Do not apply sprays, gels, or any other styling products to your hair.
Is PRP painful?
The procedure is relatively painless and requires zero recovery time.
Does hair fall after mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is known to reduce certain scalp conditions that trigger hair loss such as alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, and stress alopecia.
How long does PRP take to regrow hair?
It can take up to six to twelve months to visually see your PRP results in the mirror, although most clients begin to notice results at three months.
How many grafts does FUT need?
Simply put, each patient will receive a different response. The average number of grafts is often between 6,000 and 7,000, though each patient will require a different number. The density of the donor hair and how flexible (or lax) the scalp skin is will both have an impact on the long-term donor hair supply.
Does estrogen promote hair growth?
Additionally, these hormones promote hair growth. Your hair can stay in the growth (anagen) phase with the assistance of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, these hormones may help your hair grow more quickly and stay on your head for longer.
How bald is too bald for a hair transplant?
Although it is typical for some bald men to want hair restoration, it is actually preferable for patients to not be entirely bald in order to obtain hair restoration. Actually, a hair transplant cannot completely cover large bald patches.
Is FUE safer than FUT?
Due to these multiple shocks, many believed FUE grafts were more "fragile" than FUT grafts and had a higher probability of poor survival. The FUE method has, however, been developed and changed throughout time. Grafts now have more tissue, transection rates have dropped, and forceps extraction is now gentler.
How many times can FUE be done?
Patients frequently have a second FUE hair transplant surgery performed on them. In fact, hair transplants can be performed up to 2-3 times on the same patient (although this is uncommon).
What to expect 3 months after hair transplant?
After 3 to 4 months, fresh hair starts to grow. Initial hair growth may resemble body hair, which is thin and wavy. The hair gets thicker and straighter as it grows longer. The transplant area may then appear patchy once more since the hairs first grow at various rates.
Can FUE fall out?
It is typical to lose your transplanted hair after a FUE hair transplant, which is also known as "shock loss." This process begins one to two weeks following surgery and is quite typical. In the upcoming 8–12 months, new hairs will reappear in their place.
How do you sleep after FUT hair transplant?
After having a hair transplant, you must lie on your back with your head up. To help keep your head lifted and in the proper posture while you sleep, you place a neck pillow under your chin. Stay away from flipping over or sleeping on your stomach.
Can you wear makeup after eyebrow transplant?
We advise our patients to wait two weeks following the eyebrow transplant before using powdered makeup. We advise against applying any tacky makeup on the eyebrows.
What does mesotherapy do for hair?
The basic building blocks of nourishing proteins, vitamins, and minerals are given to the scalp follicles during mesotherapy, which increases blood flow to the scalp, lowers inflammation, and promotes hair development.
How long does FUT hair transplant last?
The transplanted hair follicles keep their origin-specific traits and continue to proliferate for the rest of their lives after being implanted into the balding areas of the scalp. This means that a FUT or FUE hair transplant can last a lifetime with the right physician and treatment.
How long does beard transplant last?
Within the first seven days following surgery, the donor site heals fully. The transplanted hair follicles will fall out in 4 to 6 weeks; after 12 weeks, they will begin to develop once more and will do so for the rest of the patient's life.
Can a gynecologist help with hair loss?
The obstetrician/gynecologist may be the first professional to assess the complaint of hair loss because they are an important part of the woman's healthcare team. The obstetrician/gynecologist may identify and treat common no scarring hair loss conditions such female pattern hair loss and telogen effluvium.
Are beard transplants risky?
Failure of a beard transplant is uncommon and typically the result of incorrect donor area harvesting. This is why picking a skilled hair restoration surgeon is crucial and worth the extra money.
Can hair grow back after getting scalped com?
Once the scalp has recovered, which normally takes three months, hair growth usually returns.
Is FUE noticeable?
FUE does leave scars, however they are significantly less noticeable on their own with very short haircuts than the one continuous linear scar that is typically associated with strip hair transplant surgery. Neither scar usually shows if the donor hair is kept long.
How do I know if my hair loss is hormonal?
When it affects women, androgenic alopecia first manifests as a gradually expanding portion line, then as progressive thinning that starts at the top of the head. A patient can notice their ponytail getting thinner or that their scalp is now more visible.
Is hair transplant successful for women?
Yes. If the state of their hair and scalp justifies it, women can certainly choose to have a hair transplant. It is not simply a male option. It is accurate to say that fewer women than males get their hair transplanted.
Does FUE or FUT have better results?
FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures have been shown to be equally effective in treating patients. Which should you select between FUE and FUT? The sole technical distinction is in how the grafts are harvested from the donor location. The procedure for implanting grafts is the same in both cases.
Can I comb my hair after PRP?
On the day of the procedure, do not comb your hair or touch it unnecessarily. Do not wash your hair for 24 hours. Avoid the sun or wear a hat.