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What can go wrong with hair transplant as a side effect??

Writer's picture: Muhammad ZeynOgluMuhammad ZeynOglu

Cysts after hair transplant
Cysts after hair transplant

Understanding the advantages of undergoing a hair transplant, such as achieving a thicker hair appearance and boosting self-assurance, is certainly beneficial. Nevertheless, it is equally important to acknowledge the potential side effects that may arise.

Can you explain what a Hair Transplant is?

A hair transplant involves a surgical procedure in which a dermatological surgeon relocates hair from one part of your body to a bald area on your scalp. Typically, hair is moved from the back of the head to the front or top.

These procedures are carried out in a medical setting with the use of local anesthesia. Surgeons employ either slit grafts (containing 4 to 10 hairs per graft) or micrografts (containing 1 to 2 hairs per graft) to complete the process.

The surgeon acquires follicles for transplantation through FUE vs FUT Hair Transplant.

FUT – The surgeon removes strips of scalp from the back of the head through a long incision, which is then closed with stitches. The strip is divided into smaller sections for implantation, resulting in a natural-looking growth.

FUE – The surgeon uses a small needle to create holes in the targeted area, placing a hair follicle in each hole. Each session involves the placement of hundreds of hairs at once.

Possible Side Effects of Hair Transplantation.

1- Infections

Thankfully, infections resulting from hair transplants are uncommon. However, the antibiotics prescribed before and after the procedure play a crucial role in preventing any potential infections. 

Preventing Infections

  1. Avoid touching both the donor and transplanted areas.

  2. Do not disturb or remove the scales that may form on the donor area.

  3. Maintain scalp health and cleanliness by adhering to the post-operative instructions provided.

  4. Avoid smoking, shisha tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages during the recovery period.

2- Cysts

Small pimple-like sacs known as cysts may develop in the treated area. If they do occur, they will typically vanish within a few weeks.

3- Scarring

Keloids are elevated scars that form following an injury and may expand into larger ridges compared to the initial injury. Although uncommon, their occurrence is most likely linked to genetics.

In case a scar develops following a hair transplant surgery, it can be addressed through various treatments like

  1. Scalp micropigmentation (SMP)

  2. Tricopigmentation (TMP)

  3. Laser treatment

4- Itchiness

Following a hair transplant, your scalp will undergo a healing process which may result in itchiness in the treated area. This sensation typically subsides within a few days, and applying baby oil can help alleviate the discomfort. It is important to avoid scratching to prevent potential complications from arising.

Managing Itching Post Hair Transplant

  1. Avoid scratching the itchy area.

  2. Use medicinal salt water spray (available at pharmacies).

  3. Consider taking antihistamines.

  4. Utilize a medical shampoo for washing your hair.

  5. Apply a steroid scalp lotion.

5- Inflammation

Swelling is a common occurrence following most hair transplant procedures, typically affecting the area around the forehead and eyes. Some individuals may also experience bruising around the eyes. The most severe swelling usually peaks between days 2 and 5, but it should subside within a week. 

Tips to prevent swelling following a hair transplant

  1. Avoid engaging in physical activities post hair transplantation.

  2. Maintain an upright position when walking.

  3. When sleeping, lie on your back and place a pillow under your neck to keep your head at a 45-degree angle.

  4. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

  5. Apply ice packs to the affected area.

6- Pain

Post hair transplant, pain is typically minimal. While the majority of patients do not require pain relief, a small number may find it necessary to use over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol for a few days following the procedure.

Strategies for managing pain post hair transplant:

  1. Utilize pain relief medication.

  2. Apply cold compresses.

  3. Engage in gentle massage.

7- Bleeding

In some cases, a few individuals undergoing hair transplant surgery may encounter bleeding in the treated area. Applying gentle pressure with a gauze pad should help control the bleeding, which typically stops within approximately 15 minutes. It's important to maintain consistent pressure for the entire duration without lifting the gauze intermittently. This approach should be gentle yet firm to avoid disrupting the nearby grafts.

While hair transplant procedures are lengthy and involve a recovery period, complications are uncommon, and most common side effects of hair transplantation resolve quickly.


Is there a possibility of infection post hair transplant surgery?

There is a potential for infection following a hair transplant surgery. However, adhering to your surgeon's post-operative care guidelines can mitigate this risk. Maintain cleanliness in the treated area and refrain from touching it with unwashed hands. Your surgeon may prescribe antibiotics as a preventive measure against infections.

Is it common to have post-operative swelling and discomfort after a hair transplant, and how long does it usually last?

Following a hair transplant, swelling and discomfort may occur. Swelling typically peaks around the third or fourth day and subsides within a week. Your surgeon will provide pain medication to alleviate discomfort. It is important to follow their guidance to minimize swelling and discomfort.

Could scarring or skin discoloration occur after a hair transplant?

There is a chance of experiencing scarring or skin discoloration following a hair transplant. However, advancements in techniques such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) have reduced this likelihood. By providing proper care and adhering to post-operative guidelines, any scarring or discoloration is typically minimal and tends to diminish over time.

What are the possible risks associated with anesthesia during the procedure?

Although uncommon, complications from anesthesia during a hair transplant may occur. These could involve allergic reactions or respiratory problems. Your surgeon will evaluate your suitability for anesthesia before the surgery and will carefully supervise you throughout the procedure to minimize any potential risks.

Is temporary shock loss common after a hair transplant, and is it permanent?

It is typical to experience temporary shock loss or shedding of existing hair following a hair transplant. This phenomenon usually happens within the initial weeks to months as the transplanted hair follicles undergo a resting phase before new growth begins. While it may cause concern, this shedding is generally temporary, and new hair will eventually grow. Permanent hair loss resulting from the transplant is uncommon, but if you have any worries, it's advisable to discuss them with your surgeon.


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